Yoga Music

find the beat to your flow

Create perfect yoga playlists in minutes
(or use our curated selection)

Relaxing Yin? Dynamic Vinyasa? Explosive Rocket Yoga? We got you.

Feature 2

Create your playlist

Music for yoga sequences is tricky. You need songs to match each phase to really get in the flow. We've got exactly what you need.

Break it Down

Settle down, warm up, salute the sun, peak, cool down. Build each phase as you go with our curated recommendations.

Save and Flow

Save playlists in your Spotify account and flow.

Feature 1

Browse our curated library

We've compiled a huge library of playlists careful crafted for yoga. Flow through the whole thing or pick songs for your own playlists.

Find inspiration

Maybe you already have your own playlists but you need inspiration for more

Curated and Sorted

Sort them by yoga style, sequence length, etc... Just make the process easy!

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